We Love 🇿🇦 the Bokke & You for Making it Great 🏆AMO Community ❤️ EST. 2018. Mooi Manie. Mooi Bokke!!!

Cooling Corono

Covid-19 chaos resumes, volatility continues, the globe searches for a semblance of stability; South African cases top 1500 as sadly 7 deaths are registered; Fitch downgrades us further into junk; banks offer relief measures to assist consumers financially as businesses internalise and switch gears to try & stay above the impending doom.

Waking up everyday to the current status quo is hard. Waking up and not being being able to step outside and above it is harder. Waking up in a defiant mood to move a small business forward is probably the hardest. Community conscious creation can be challenging at the best of times, committing to a promise that everything that can be made here should be made here is tough as it is.

How do we begin to imagine surviving this pandemic? We start by recalling the lyrics of Bill Withers_Please swallow your pride. If I have things you need to borrow; and draw on the power of those words to inspire a collective. 

With a fire in our bellies and the above in mind we've been hard at work behind the scenes improving our offering with a little help from our friends in the small business community as well as partners like @insaka. We've received bursaries from @startupschool to up-skill ourselves. We've helped contribute to South Africa's newest online marketplace @kamervol while collaborating with other like minded talent like @christianvlasic, @cityboy_CPT, @moajmadct  & brands like @ourspace @originalmagpie. Finally we've contributed to supporting our heroes on the frontline by giving away scrubs to medical professionals.

That said we also have to thank you for your continued support during lockdown. We are so grateful. It's enabled us to keep Caroline our amazing store manager at @bayharbourmarket at home safe with baby Tiana.   

Africa Made Only

In order to keep this idea alive we've launched the AMOOLA gift card. We hope that you'll pay it forward to a friend, to a stranger or to yourself;) 

Grab a gift card to lean in and lean on the collective power we all have to see this thing through.

Stay home - Stay Safe - Much Love! 
The AMO Team

Originally Published: 21 April 2020